Clear out the clutter. Get to the good stuff.

My Offerings:


Intuitive Healing Session - $200

During this 90 minute session, I will tap into any blocks within the physical, mental and emotional bodies using all of the modalities I am trained in. This may include: ancestral, past life and childhood programming, as well as any miscommunication between the brain and body that needs clearing and/or strengthening. I also provide insight with lifestyle modifications that can help support this clearing. Notes are taken during the session and will be emailed to you after. Sessions are done over Zoom or in person.


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This is a 3 month sacred container for those ready to make profound shifts. This includes:

-2 healing sessions per month (6 total)

-Daily Voxer support to support your integration.

*Make sure this is a full body YES

Inner Union Course

Coming soon!


I truly believe that if you are feeling called to book a session with me, your body/spirit is ready to release and uplevel. That being said, hydrate and get adequate rest. Many ask how often they should receive these healings. It is so individual, and is something I always test to see when YOUR body wants another session.

Because energy knows no time or distance, I work on you as if you are right in front of me. Remotes are done over zoom. The beauty of the remote healing is you get to stay in the comfort and safety of your own home as you receive the energy. Many have shared that they feel all different sensations during the healing: hot, cold, different emotions, and many fall asleep. This time is for you. I believe remote healings are just as powerful, if not more, than an in-person. As I work on you, I also take notes that will be emailed to you after the session.

After the session, you enter into a 4 day integration period. You may feel a bit more tired and/or emotional than usual. This is normal and part of the body's process of clearing and recalibrating. Try your best to honor what your body is feeling, whether it's going to bed early or resting. I recommend eating unprocessed, whole foods so that your body spends less energy digesting, and can be used towards upgrading your physical, mental and emotional bodies.



This is your journey to finding and using your most authentic voice and trusting it.