Within each of us lies untapped gifts, waiting to be unlocked. 

Thank you for being here. I am an intuitive channel, spiritual guide, energy healer and empowerment coach. 

Looking back, I was always a sensitive, intuitive soul but I didn’t realize this consciously until I was older. As a child and teen, I could feel the emotions of others and I had BIG feelings, but I had no idea what to do with it. This isn't what society tells us is normal. I didn’t have the support to handle any of it, so I shut it down and tried to stay small, turning to unhealthy ways of coping with my (disembodied) gifts & abilities. 

Fast forward to 2016. My awakening began after losing my father to cancer. Everything I thought I knew shattered right in front of me. The masks that I wore that helped me survive were ready to be dissolved and transformed. My soul was ready. I couldn't play small anymore. Through many more initiations in the past decade, the layers of wounding continued to release so that I could connect to my true self. The depths of darkness, pain, abandonment and grief were all catalysts to heal my heart, open my heart, and connect to my divine feminine soul essence. I could now fully embrace the empathic gifts that I was born with. I started to look at my ability to feel so deeply and feel others pain as a superpower. Through many synchronicities, I began learning several different modalities of healing the physical, mental and emotional bodies - on myself and others.

My intention with each client is to empower them to access their own intuitive gifts and shatter the programming and limiting beliefs that are holding them back. I connect to and trust the body’s innate intelligence to facilitate the healing process, as well as my connection to the higher realms for insight, guidance and to access truth. I believe in the power of holding space and helping my clients come into their own awareness, to allow shifts and upgrades to take place.

If you feel the call to partake in any of my offerings, I thank you deeply. 

Now is the time of the great cleansing of humanity.


My training includes:


-Masters level in NIS (Neurological Integration System)

-Masters level in Integrated Energy Therapy

-Certified Health Coach through IIN

-Advanced level in Spiritual Response Therapy

-Level 3 of Spring Forest Qigong 

-Certified Health Educator through Hippocrates Institute

-Ongoing education in Gene Keys

-A degree in Speech Pathology/Communication Disorders

-Behavioral Therapist for kids with Autism & special needs




Julianna Burke

"Julianna’s treatments are nothing short of miraculous. She is kind, open, and gracious. It is not often that you find a practitioner who is so in tune with your body and its systems without prior knowledge- she is the real deal. From the first treatment with Julianna I felt seen, heard, and held by her immense grace. My body has shifted since I started to work with her in a way that I can approach living with more ease. I am able to more accurately decipher my own body’s clues and it is unspeakably wonderful to feel more connected to myself. I am endlessly grateful to her for her gifts and knowledge. I recommend Julianna and NIS to anyone who is interested in figuring out the root causes of their physical ailments and to those who are interested in doing deeper spiritual work."

Julianna Burke

"Julianna is a tremendous spirit. She has been gifted with insight far beyond her years, an intuitive capacity and a willingness to listen deeply that is remarkable and welcoming to me certainly, and I am sure to all who respond to her work. Her even-keeled kindness is the first thing to note, but her ability to go deep and to help a client process the complex interlayering of body, mind and spirit means that she is tenacious in the service of her client’s healing. Her sessions have helped me push beyond obstacles, to explore new territory within. How she finds what she finds has been a marvel to me from the beginning, and there is always something new. At this most challenging time for so many of us, her healing work has the quality of a soft, gentle rain, relaxing and releasing and nourishing."

Julianna Burke

"I feel extremely lucky to have worked with Julianna for the past few years. She has been nothing short of awesome. She has such an amazing gift and is so caring and I thank the universe all the time for connecting me to her. It is mind boggling how in tune she is with my body even though she is so many miles away. It truly makes it clear that time, distance and energy know no bounds. All her sessions have been not only spot on, but also extremely informative, helpful and sincere. The protocols she gives are all geared to my personal needs, which is so cool! I love leaving the sessions with homework. Sometimes I just need some confirmation to make a change in my health or life and way more often than not, the information Julianna gives me is spot on with my own thoughts. Julianna has literally given me my health back and I owe her a huge thank you because I do not feel like I would be at this point in my spiritual journey without all her help and hard work. I highly recommend her to anyone and I am excited for my next session! :)"

Julianna Burke

"Julianna was born to do this work. She is humble, and she trusts your brain to lead the way. The work that she does is only possible through her communication with your brain. She gently receives the information, and then proceeds to implement the NIS protocol magic. As a guide to your healing, she has complete faith in your bodies ability to heal itself. When I go in for an NIS session, I feel very vulnerable and she is kind, understanding, and a strong support system. I want all of my friends and family to have a session with her!"

Julianna Burke

"Julianna is an incredibly gifted healer. Through every treatment she never failed to amaze me with her kindness, creativity and ability to just be present with me. Julianna listened to my health concerns and addressed the root cause of my symptoms. I am so thankful for all that Julianna has done to help me!"

Julianna Burke

"Such wonderful energy and helpful clearing. I had a great experience blasting through brain patterns with Julianna. Highly recommend!"